Rent the most unique kink play space in the world!
- Mistress Pasha

Perfect for traveling Dommes looking for a unique space for their sessions, as well as local Dommes wanting to change things up. Rent by the hour or day.

Leave the doldrums of reality behind and explore your kinks with the one you love. Come to the dungeon or bring the dungeon to you!

Club hop and explore the town with up to 8 of your freakiest friends. Holds 8 people comfortably; sleeps 4.

For professional photographers looking for a new and unique space to shoot. Includes all toys and kink devices. Available by the hour or day.
How to Rent
There are three ways to rent the Mobile Dungeon. You can come to my location, I can bring the dungeon to you, or you can explore the town with my “Party Bus” option.
My Location
Hourly or Nightly-
1 hour minimum
$100/add'l hour
Your Location
Hourly or Nightly-
2 hour minimum
$100/add'l hour.
$150 delivery fee
Party Bus
Tour the town-
4 hour minimum
$100/add'l hour
Driver included
Hostess - Call
Setup and Orientation $0
All packages include setting up the dungeon and instructions on operating the systems, such as the A/C, heating, water, etc...
Delivery beyond 30 miles $1/mile
The initial delivery fee includes delivery of up to 30 miles. Destinations beyond 30 miles are an additional $1/mile for each mile over 30. For example, a 40 mile delivery would be $50 for the first 30 miles, plus $10 for the additional 10 miles.
Mistress for the Party Bus $200/hr
Include Mistress Pasha in your festivities around town
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- Unlimited calls
- Free hosting
- 500 MB of storage space
- 500 MB Bandwidth
- 24/7 support